Sorting your wardrobe to ease your laundry load
Sorting your wardrobe to ease your laundry load
Are you tired of sorting through piles of laundry on the floor to find clean clothes? The solution is easy to figure out where you're going wrong. Sorting through piles of laundry on the floor to find clean clothes can be frustrating and time-consuming. However, you can take a few simple steps to organize your laundry and make it easier to find what you're looking for.
Invest in a good-quality laundry basket or hamper. This will help to keep your dirty laundry off the floor and make it easy to transport to the laundromat. Sort your laundry as soon as you take it off. This will prevent you from sorting through a massive pile of clothes later.
Sort your clothes into three piles - clothes to keep, clothes to donate, and clothes to sell
Start by looking through your wardrobe and sorting clothes by worst fitting to best-fitted clothing - take one out at a time if needed!
- Hang or fold the clothes you want to keep and put them away in your closet
- Bag up the clothes you want to donate and take them to a donation center. If you haven't worn it in the last six months, donate it
- Sell any clothes that are still in good condition on eBay or Craigslist
- Repeat this process every six months for a neater and less cluttered wardrobe
Create a system for organizing your clothes - for example, by color or type of clothing
Stick to your system! It'll make it easier when you're getting dressed in the morning.
- Put away your clean clothes. This will save you from searching for them when you're ready to wear them.
- Hang clothes that are easy to crease - this will help them stay fresh longer. Invest in quality hangers - they'll help preserve your clothes' shape over time.
- Store off-season clothes in airtight containers to save space. Label each container with the contents to make finding what you need easier.
- Use vacuum storage bags to store bulky items like sweaters and jackets.
By following these simple tips, you can keep your laundry organized and make it easy to find what you need. Put away your clean clothes. This will save you from searching for them when you're ready to wear them. Visit your local WaveMax Laundry for more great laundry tips!