We offer our customers the choice of doing their own laundry or utilizing our wash-dry-fold service. If you choose to do your own laundry, we have:
24 Electrolux Washers, ranging from 20lbs. to 70lbs. machines.
All are front-loading and easy to use. Best of all, our state-of-the-art 450G laundry washers turn laundry day into laundry hour, with an entire load done in less than 45 minutes.
24 Electrolux Dryers - perfect for all of your laundry needs.
No time? Tired? Lazy? or just hate doing laundry?
Let us do your laundry for you! We wash, dry, and fold your clothes.
We will provide the soap and dryer sheets. We hang up your
dresses, collared shirts, and dress pants. How’s that for service!
We can typically have your clothes done within 24hrs. What do you
have to lose? Give us a try!